Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kimori Family Clan Update

Arrein Kimori has joined the family, he's the property of Kyoshi. Nonetheless, give him a very warm welcome into the family and behold his exciting tale of how it came to pass:

Flames sparked into being as a match was lit. With precision it moved to the end of the cigar. A few second later smoke started to rise up towards the ceiling of the casino. Arrein O' Pianos grinned at the lady across the table. Her black hair was elegantly pinned up and contrasted with her white outfit. The white silk gloves firmly held the cards, while her agatean eyes looked back over them at the thief.

"I raise once more. 40 Genuan ducats." He tossed some coins on the growing pile at the center of the table.

She smiled politely and nudged the man standing next to her, who started shoving the right amount of coins towards the pile for her.

"You know," he took a sip from his beer, "today is my lucky day. Which means, I am going to get lucky..." He smiled a vile smile at her.

"You are starting to run out of coins, mister O'Pianos," said the girl.

"I could always get some new ones. Money is the least of *my* worries." His eyes locked with her. "If you know what I mean." He winked.

She chuckled. "I'm a Pishe priest, darling. My fate is in her hands. The stakes have been set, it's time to call the cards."

He grinned widely and displayed the cards in front of him. They were indeed a magnificant set. He leaned back. "So, what time do you..."

She lowered her hand and her cards were pressed on top of his. "I believe this combination is 1 point higher than yours, isn't it?" He blinked.

"That can't be.... impossible," he muttered.

"What is impossible, mister O'Pianos?" she politely asked.

"The cards... I..." he stuttered.

"...counted them," she finished his sentence. "And you also hid three of them in your left sleeve, another in your jacket and I saw an ace tugged away in your collar, mister O'Pianos. Is there anything you wish to explain to these fine genuan gentlemen in suits who have been so keen to observe us and ensured that everyone at the table followed the same rules?"

There was a stunned silence at the other side of the table.

"Excellent. Then you are now mine. Shut your mouth, stand up and follow me." As she spoke, she rose from her chair. "Please put the money on my account," she told the dealer. She left the table, but after a few feet turned towards Arrein again. "Come along now."

The thief grumbled and followed her example, keeping an eye on the 'genuan gentlemen' as he did so. Options of escape seemed few if none and appearantly he lost more today than just a few coins.

"Are you coming or not?" asked Kyoshi impatiently as she waited for the trickster. She tapped her foot as he approached.

"Right, where to milady?" The sarcasm was kept close with its razor sharpness for entertaining purposes.

"Well mister Arrein, I own you now. I will break you and then reforge you as I see fit." She paused. "Into a true Kimori."

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